• Nuts and seeds
Nut/Seed Size Shape Color Texture
Almonds Small, oval Pointed at one end, slightly flattened Light beige to light brown Smooth, hard shell; cream-colored interior
Walnuts Medium to large, roundish Rough and wrinkled outer shell Light brown to dark brown Hard, ridged outer shell; wrinkled, light brown interior
Cashews Small, kidney-shaped Slightly curved Light beige to pale yellow Smooth, thin shell; creamy, soft kernel
Pistachios Small, ovoid Slightly pointed at one end Light beige to light green Hard, naturally split shell; pale green interior
Peanuts Small, oval Oblong, often with a pointed tip Light tan to dark brown Soft, papery shell; two light brown, asymmetrical halves
Sunflower Seeds Small, flat and oval Flat and oval with a pointed end Black with white stripes or grayish-white Hard, smooth shell; white or grayish kernel
Pumpkin Seeds Small, flat and oval Flat and oval with a pointed end Green with white stripes Hard, smooth shell; green or white kernel
Sesame Seeds Very small, tiny grains Small, flat and oval White, black, or brown Tiny, smooth seeds